Thursday, July 29, 2010

RELATIVE FRAME of MOTION- Conversation 1

Conversation 1:
All motion is relative to whatever frame of reference is chosen, for there is no motionless frame from which to judge all motion. Due to the tilt of Earth’s axis, there is constant movement on Earth. However, since every part of earth will move in a separate direction, everything moves differently. In addition, most living organisms can move freely, thus making it difficult to completely study the exact movements of all. Since, each moves at a different pace, and this also depends on the area of the earth they are on, there is no set frame of motion. Nothing is ever completely motionless. No two are ever exactly the same, so there cannot be a set frame to judge anything, let alone motion.
Each part of the world has a different frame of reference, as proven by how in other countries and continents, water comes flows in the opposite direction than it does in America. There are many frames of reference for measuring everything. Even for length alone, there is feet, inches, meters, miles, etc. Therefore, there is really no set frame of measurement for anything.
People all have different opinions. Therefore, one thing may look differently to one person than to another. One person may see one object move in a certain way, but another may see it move completely differently.

Questions to consider:
If there is no relative frame of motion, is there really any true frame of measurement for anything?
Why do certain people see some things one way and others see it completely differently?
If everyone could agree on one relative frame of motion, would that become a true measurement?

In many physical, biological and social systems, changes in one direction tend to produce opposing (but somewhat delayed influences), leading to repetitive cycles of behavior.


1 comment:

  1. Ms. Schwartz,

    This is a very impressive blog you have created and I hope that you have gotten some responses. However, I need to steer you into a proper direction regarding motion. You state that everyone has a different point of view, therefore there is no one motionless reference from which to judge all motion. I'm sorry, but this posit is incorrect.

    If one accepts the Theory of the Big Bang, i.e. there was a huge explosion of some kind at the beginning of the universe, then the entire universe is moving constantly. Given that fact, one could travel the universe forever and never find something motionless, because the Bang put everything in the universe into motion.

    From the standpoint of the Earth, the planet is rotating on its axis at 30km/sec and traveling about the solar system at another 7000km/sec or so. Therefore, there is no point on earth that is truly motionless. I hope this helps you. See you in class.

    Mr. Smith
